Here’s what critics and music reviewers have said about Backtrack Blues Band releases and music from the past:
"The Backtrack Blues Band is one of Florida's longest running and most accomplished blues bands. The quintet's latest masterpiece of an album, "Make My Home in Florida," captures a high-energy performance featuring the stellar blues harp and vocals of Sonny Charles, and the impressive Texas guitar sounds of Kid Royal, layered over a seamless Chicago-style rhythm section."
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— Philip Verhaege, Keys and Chords, February 2018
"I just had the opportunity to review the most recent release, Make My Home In Florida, from the Backtrack Blues Band and it's quite good. Opening with Checkin' On My Baby, BBB, lead by Sonny Charles on lead vocal and harp gets the show started with a nice easy shuffle, with Kid Royal on lead guitar, Little Johnny Walter on rhythm guitar, Stick Davis on bass and Joe Bencomo on drums."
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— Bman, Bman's Blues Report, January 2018
"Paraphrasing ol' Elwood Blues, no pharmaceutical drug can re-create the high you get when the band is hittin' on all 8, the crowd is into it, and everything comes together for a truly unique and magical performance. That’s the feeling you get as you listen to and watch the CD/DVD combo from the Florida-based Backtrack Blues Band, "Make My Home In Florida.""
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— Donald Sheryl, Donald Sheryl's Blues Blog, January 2018
"Die Backtrack Blues Band musiziert seit 1980 und klingt heute noch so frisch wie eh und je. Das wird besonders deutlich durch diese neue Platte, hier gekoppelt als CD und DVD, so dass man das Liveerlebnis der Show vom 6.Januar 2017 aus St. Petersburg, Florida, noch einmal lebendig nachvollziehen kann."
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— Wolfgang Giese, Musik an sich, January 2018
"Ondanks het feit dat de Backtrack Blues Band niet bij een ieder een belletje doet rinkelen loopt de band al heel wat jaren mee in de wereld van de blues. De band uit Florida werd al in 1980 opgericht door frontman Sonny Charles."
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— Rudolfs Music, January 2018
"In addition to being great entertainment, blues music is a celebration of all aspects of life. For me, blues music pays tribute to both happiness and the good times, as well as the sad and tragic moments that life has to offer. From a broad perspective, blues music is a vehicle for the celebration of the human condition, wrapped in the great musical expressions of the blues."
click here to read full interview with Sonny Charles
— Michael Limnios, Jazz Blues News, January 2018
"It's showtime, folks! And Florida's own Backtrack Blues Band went all out for the occasion with a double-disc keepsake from the proud night the five of them turned St. Petersburg's historic Palladium Theater a wonderful shade of blue."
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— Dennis Rozanski, Baltimore Blues Society, January 2018
"Backtrack Blues Band announces the group’s new live CD/DVD, Make My Home in Florida. There was a packed house at the historic Palladium Theater in St Petersburg, Florida, on January 6, 2017, when the Backtrack Blues Band arrived for the show. Excitement was in the air, as the hometown audience knew the performance was being filmed and recorded for the band's new live album. There's no doubt the group felt the enthusiasm, as Backtrack Blues Band delivered a strong mix of both blues classics and original songs."
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— Randy Patterson, Boomerocity, January 2018
""If you don't mind, we're gonna keep it in a blues vein."" That was the lead-in to the agreeable "Your Funeral and My Trial," and it was just fine with me. On their new live album, Make My Home In Florida, Backtrack Blues Band delivers one searing, soothing, sublime song after another."
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— Greg Victor,, January 2018
"Recorded to a packed house in St. Petersburg, Florida on January 6, 2017, Make My Home In Florida was destined to be something special. The band was playing for a hometown audience who knew that the night was being filmed as well as recorded for the band's new live CD/DVD release."
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— Bill Wilson, Reflections in Blue, January 2018
"Que ce digipack est épais ! C'est tout simplement qu'il renferme un CD et un DVD de bon blues bien classique, enregistré en public en terre conquise, le Palladium théâtre à St Petersburg, Floride. Formé de vieux routards, le BBB a été fondé en 1980 par l'harmoniciste chanteur Sonny Charles et par le guitariste rythmique Little Johnny Walter, le batteur étant Joe Bencomo et le bassiste Stick Davis (un des fondateurs des Amazing Rhythm Aces)."
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— César, Blues Again, Le blues dans tous ses états, January 2018
"Backtrack Blues Band is een Amerikaanse blues band uit Florida die in 1980 werd opgericht door Sonny Charles en Little Johnny Walter. Met hun energieke Chicago blues die gekruid wordt met uitstekend gitaar en mondharmonica werk zijn ze al die jaren een constante op festivals en in clubs rond Florida. De band heeft al vijf albums en een DVD op hun palmares. Backtrack Blues Band bestaat uit zanger/mondharmonicaspeler Sonny Charles, gitarist Kid Royal, ritme gitarist Little Johnny Walter, Stick Davis op bas en Joe Bencomo op drums."
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— Walter Vanheuckelom, BealeStreet, January 2018
"If the Butterfield gang had been younger and healthier, they might have been this crew. Blasting out the white boy blues for almost 40 years, they know a party and how to party."
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— Chris Spector, Midwest Record, January 2018
"The latest iteration of St. Petersburg FL's Backtrack Blues Band is hitting the street with an "A-One" CD/DVD release. The core members of the band, Sonny Charles and Little Johnny Walter were founders of Backtrack...back when they were in college! They have kept this band goin' like the Suncoast's answer to the Nighthawks! The addition of Chris "Kid" Royal on leader guitar, and lead vocal on two tracks, has revitalized the entire band. (and how does he manage to sound like B.B. King on a strat?). "
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— George Willett, Suncoast Blues Society, January 2018
"Performing live on their home turf in St. Petersburg, Florida, Backtrack Blues Band serve up a potent mix of rock-influenced originals and tracks from the likes of T-Bone Walker, B.B. King, Little Walter, and Sonny Boy Williamson."
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— Jeff Burger, The Journal of Roots Music | No Depression, January 2018
"Backtrack Blues Band, do as the title of their newest CD proclaims “Make My Home In Florida” and for a band that’s been on the scene for almost thirty years they reveal a real rejuvenation. When a group of seasoned bluesmen Sonny Charles harmonica and vocals, Little Johnny Walter rhythm guitar, Joe Bencomo drums and Stick Davis bass recuited a hot young guitarist Kid Royal to play a mix of originals and classics it was a partnership made in paradise."
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— Roger & Margaret White, Big City Blues Magazine, March 2018
"De Backtrack Blues Band komt uit Tampa Bay, Florida en is een van de oudste bands uit die staat. Opgericht in 1980 hebben zij het podium gedeeld met artiesten als Stevie Ray Vaughan, B.B. King, Albert Collins, Johnny Winter, Gregg Allman om er maar een paar te noemen. De band bestaat uit bassist Jeff ‘Stick’ Davis, zanger en mondharmonicaspeler Sonny Charles, leadgitarist Kid Royal, gitarist Little Johnny Walter en drummer Joe Bencomo. Ieder van hen is een specialist op hun gebied en samen vormen zij een team dat zijn gelijke niet kent."
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— Eric Campfens, BarnOwlBlues, January 2018
"A smokin’ live CD/DVD package here from the Backtrack Blues Band. As Kid Royal rips some hot guitar solos and Sonny Charles channels his inner Kim Wilson (or James Cotton), you’re in for about 50 minutes of spirit-lifting traditional blues.."
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— John Kereiff, Gonzo Okanagan News, January 2018
"The blues continue to roll on with Backtrack Blues Band base out of Tampa, Florida. They've released a new live album that is lively and full of blues machismo. Playing a selection of blues classics and originals, this is an upbeat stomper of an album that will liven up your new year."
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— Tom Matthew, Soundwaves Magazine, January 2018
"De Backtrack Blues Band heeft al heel wat jaartjes achter de rug, sinds 1980 is deze vanuit de Tampa Bay regio, Florida opererende band onderweg. Je mag gerust stellen dat ze de langst lopende band uit deze omgeving zijn. De naam heeft Sonny Charles, de oprichter en leadzanger en mondharmonica speler van de band ontleend aan de Little Walter intrumental Backtrack. Als grote voorbeelden voor zijn harpspel noemt hij uiteraard Little Walter maar ook Sonny Boy Williamson en Kim Wilson behoren tot zijn favorieten."
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— Blues Magazine, January 2018
"One of Florida's longest-running and most accomplished bands, The Backtrack Blues Band has performed high-energy, Chicago-style blues continuously since its founding in 1980. The group has established a strong reputation for creative songwriting through six CDs and one DVD of original music -- all of which charted on the U.S. blues radio charts."
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—, December 2017
"Lekker luisterende Chicago blues met een streepje West-Coast er in is zowat de beste manier om als blues liefhebber de dag mee aan te gaan vatten. Om dit te bevestigen kan je beter naar het nieuwe album luisteren van de 'Backtrack Blues Band'. Deze 5 koppige band is een van de langst meelopende blues bands in Florida en dan heb je uiteraard nog weinig te bewijzen."
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— Rootsville, December 2017
"Backtrack Blues Band is Sonny Charles on lead vocals/amplified harmonica, Kid Royal on lead guitar, Little Johnny Walter on rhythm guitar, Joe Bencomo on drums, and Stick Davis on bass guitar. Backtrack is clearly more than just a blues band; there is a certain vocal timbre, broadly nuanced instrumentals, and trademark techniques all around to be noted when it comes to this band. A baritone vibrato that an early rockabilly enthusiast would appreciate is not something that just anyone can do, nor is taking the acoustic harmonica to inventive new heights."
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— Lauren Leadingham, American Blues Scene, December 2017
"Really cool and classy live blues album, and a five camera high-definition live DVD; featuring the equal talents of harmonica player Sonny Charles and Kid Royal's blistering guitar skills. One of Florida's longest-running and most accomplished bands, The Backtrack Blues Band has performed high-energy, Chicago-style blues continuously since its founding in 1980. Establishing a strong reputation for creative songwriting through five previous CDs and one DVD of original music – all of which charted on the U.S. blues radio charts."
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— Simon Redley, Music Republic Magazine, December 2017
"It’s about time you all get to know Sonny Charles and the Backtrack Blues Band.The first track of an album can tell you a lot about a band and what to expect from the ten or so songs to come. On Way Back Home, this Tampa, Florida band’s fifth release, we start off with a trip to Eleuthera in the Bahamas (“Goin’ to Eleuthera”) — and if “beach blanket blues” is a genre, this is the band who originated it. This is a blues band for sure, but some uptempo jazz and a bit of classic swing come through here as well. Whether you’re relaxing by the ocean in Ft. Lauderdale (where this album was mastered) or throwing back some happy hour specials at a dirt road bar, Way Back Home should be your day’s soundtrack.
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— Brenda Hillegas, Elmore Magazine, September 2016
"With the winter months gripping most of the nation, a trip to Eleuthera in the Bahamas sounds nice right about now. If one can’t make it to the Bahama’s to escape the cold, may I suggest Way Back Home, the latest release from the Backtrack Blues Band. With ten blazing new tracks, this album is a surefire way to keep the soul warm this winter!"
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— Steve Crowley, American Blues Scene, January 2017

"De Backtrack Blues Band heeft al heel wat jaartjes achter de rug, sinds 1980 is deze vanuit de Tampa Bay regio, Florida opererende band onderweg. Je mag gerust stellen dat ze de langst lopende band uit deze omgeving zijn. De naam heeft"
click here to read entire review
— Martin van der Velde, BLUESnROOTS CORNER, October 2017