Here’s what critics and music reviewers have said about Backtrack Blues Band releases and music from the past:
"Bend Backtrack Blues Band dolazi nam iz područja Tampa Baya, s Floride, a na blues sceni su već punih 30 godina, koliko ih i predvodi impresivni pjevač i harpist Sonny Charles. On je u svom instrumentalističkom izričaju itekako dobro spojio i usvojio nevjerojatno bogate tonove legendarnih Little Waltera i Paula Butterfielda."
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— Mladen Lončar - Mike, SoundGuardian, July 2018
"Desde su formación en Florida en 1980, Backtrack Blues Band no ha dejado de maravillar y encandilar al público, gracias al sonido y al repertorio que practican, basado siempre en el blues de Chicago del cual son unos rigurosos y conversos practicantes. Seis cd’s y un dvd les han consagrado como una de las bandas mas entretenidas y admiradas de la escena de los clubs por los que se mueven a lo largo y ancho de la Bahia de Tampa, Florida."
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— Vicente Zumel, La Hora Del Blues, March 2018
"Nine tracks played with seasoned professionalism by a quintet who know that genre back to front. Front man Sonny Charles takes lead vocals and plays a mean harp, whilst one could say their lead guitarist Texas-influenced Kid Royal is the star attraction."
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— Roy Bainton, Blues Matters, March 2018
"This is a powerful set, nothing fancy at all……just a great band playing the blues and playing them well. Charles is a charismatic frontman and dynamite harp player, and Royal does an excellent job in a variety of blues styles. The rhythm section is exemplary."
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— Graham Clarke, Phoenix Blues Society, March 2018
"The Backtrack Blues Band is like the 800 pound gorilla in that they are so big, they can sit wherever they want...The band is a combination of Chicago and Texas styles swirled into a new kind of shade."
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— Peanuts, Jazz Blues Report, March 2018
"...The band hits all the right notes throughout the album...A mix of covers and originals, keepers here include the Sonny Charles originals "Heavy Built Woman" an ode to the thick women, "Shoot My Rooster" about Charles' dilemma dealing with a feral rooster who would crow every morning outside his door (no roosters were harmed just a good song written) and the title cut "Make My Home in Florida" his homage to his hometown replete with a killer guitar solo from Kid Royal mid track."
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— Bob Silvestri, Entertainment in WNY, March 2018
"Charles a powerful singer in the Little Walter/Paul Butterfield mold, and the band produces music that would fit comfortably and be welcome in any blues joint on the shores of Lake Michigan. The current lineup also includes Kid Royal, who handles Texas-style lead guitar and provides equally strong vocals for two cuts, as well as Joe Bencomo on drums and Stick Davis on bass, former rhythm section of the Amazing Rhythm Aces, the country-rock band best known for the tune “Third Rate Romance.”"
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— Marty Gunther, Blues Blast Magazine, March 2018
"Donnerwettwe, die Backtrack Blues Band steht beim Heimspiel-Konzert in St. Petersburg, Florida, wirklich gehorig unter Strom. Wie gut, dass Harpspieler Sonney Charles, Gitarrist Kid Royal und ihre drei lieben, um das Ereignis im dortigen Palladium Theatre fur die Nachwelt und ihr nunmehr sechstes Album festzuhalten."
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—Blues News, April 2018
"A gyorsan változó világunkban már szinte ritkaságnak számítanak az olyan zenekarok, amelyek évtizedeken keresztül képesek fennmaradni, méghozzá minőségi produkciókat bemutatva. Ezen együttesek közé tartozik a floridai zenész csapat a Backtrack Blues Band is."
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— HFP Online, March 2018
"Stavolta ci troviamo con una band di uno stato al di fuori dei consueti circuiti blues, la Florida. Eppure il Chicago style della Bactrack Blues Band è assolutamente convincente: il disco è stato inciso dal vivo a St. Petersburg nel teatro Palladium."
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— Michele Manzotti, Il Popolo del Blues, March 2018
"...These guys will grab your ears 10 seconds into the first tune, "Checkin' On My Baby"...Anyway, they totally understand that happening blues groove – not the one song, one beat, one week thing – but also cool harmonicas by frontman Sonny Charles."
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— Bill Locey, Rock `n' Roll Call, February 2018
"I really enjoyed this CD and DVD set of their concert. The band is solid. Charles is a really good harp player and gutsy singer, Kid Royal is a great guitar player and can also sign quite well. This is a really enjoyable CD/DVD set and blue lovers anywhere will enjoy it!"
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— Steve Jones, Crossroads Blues Society, February 2018
"While well known for its everglades and keys, Florida shows it can get swampy as well with the home grown Backtrack Blues Band getting juke joint jumpin’...Charles howls on the harp on a gritty “ Check’ On My Baby” and stomping “Tell Your Daddy.”"
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— George W. Harris, Jazz Weekly, February 2018
"At the St. Petersburg, Florida Palladium Theatre, singer and harmonica brawler Sonny Charles, and his similarly capable co-workers, apply a traditional, natural-seeming approach to four originals and untarnished gemstones connected to Sonny Boy Williamson II, B.B. King and T-Bone Walker. The quintet leans hard into stock phrases with proficiency and enthusiasm."
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— Frank John Hadley, DownBeat Magazine, February 2018
"Florida may not be the first place most folks think of in relation to the blues, but the Backtrack Blues Band were trailblazers in Sunshine State blues when they emerged in the early '80s."
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— Jim Allen, Culture Sonar, February 2018
" Backtrack Blues Band... For the ones who still don't know this excellent electric blues band, this very well done double CD is a must to really discover the irresistible groove, the feel, the good energy of this band... The length of the tracks is just perfect to dig into this infectious blues... "
— Mike Penard, Radio I.S.A., France, February/March 2018
"Led by a no longer a boy, but still vigorous Sonny Charles, the main voice and harmonica, this DVD features the band in the format that best competes in a formation of this species: direct, honest, with no overdubs or studio effects."
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— George Harris, Macalle Blues, February 2018
"The band is very pleased with the response to our new, live album , " Make My Home In Florida" . It's amazing to see how far away from Florida , USA , our music has traveled. And it's highly gratifying to know that the music we love is also being enjoyed by folks all around the world !"
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— Rudolfs Music, February 2018
"Lead vocalist Sonny Charles is also a top-notch harp player, showing his influences quite clearly, and contributing several worthwhile original songs. Lead guitarist Kid Royal supplies some very much in-context guitar playing: no over-the-top rock solos, just good, clean, to-the-point playing, with a top-notch rhythm section supporting beautifully. This release is a two disc package, also including a DVD of the show - it's worth investigating."
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— Norman Darwen, Blues and Rhythm UK, February 2018